/******************************************************************* * a demo for how to use QThread * 声明: * 这是一个简单的QThread使用模板,对于应付简单的程序来说, * 还是足够了。 * * 2015-9-12 阴 深圳 南山平山村 曾剑锋 ******************************************************************/cat thread.h #ifndef THREAD_H #define THREAD_H #includeclass Thread : public QThread { Q_OBJECT public: explicit Thread(QObject *parent = 0); signals: void msg(QString str); public slots: void run(); void stop(); private: bool running; }; #endif // THREAD_Hcat thread.c #include "thread.h" Thread::Thread(QObject *parent) : QThread(parent) { running = true; } void Thread::run() { int nbytes; int len; struct can_frame frame; struct sockaddr_can addr; char buf[10]; while(running) { QThread::msleep(100); /** * this was very important sametime for receive data */ if (running) { emit msg(QString(buf)); } } } void Thread::stop() { running = false; } cat mainwindow.c ...... /** * how to stop a Qt thread */ if ( thread != NULL ) { thread->stop(); thread->wait(); thread->deleteLater(); } ......